We know so many methods to hide a file. But the trick I am going to explain below is an amazing one. Using this trick, you can hide any type of file behind another one. No one ever thinks about a file as having to the ability to hide other files.
Using this trick, you can hide any type of file behind another one. But here I have explained by taking an example of image file (JPG).
Step 1:
Make a temporary folder for this experiment. Here I have a temp folder in D drive.
Step 2:
Put all the files you want to hide in the folder. Also copy an image file in which we will hide all other files.
Step 3:
Zip all the files you want to hide. Here I have zipped files SAN01.DOCX and SAN02.AVI. So you will get another zipped file. Name it as you choice. Here I have FILE00.
Step 4:
Now we have to focus on only two file. First is the image file APIC001.JPG and second is the zip file FILE00.ZIP
So here I am going to hide the zip file behind the image file.
Step 5:
Open the command prompt (cmd) with administrative rights.
Step 6:
Go to the folder you have created by typing commands as I have done here.
Step 7:
Now type in the following line:
“copy /b APIC001.JPG+FILE00.zip APIC001.jpg” and press Enter.
Step 8:
If you are getting same response then its done. Otherwise check other issues. Make sure that the files are not set to Read Only mode.
And that’s it! The picture file will have been updated with the zip file inside. You can actually check the file size of the picture and see that it has increased exactly by the same amount as the size of the zip file. But no other change can be noticed. Your image file will work normally as it was before and no one will guess about it except doubting about its size.
When you wish to access your hidden file, just right-click on the JPG image and choose Open With and then select WinRAR. You’ll see your hidden files show up that you can then extract out.
It’s a great way simply because not many people know it’s possible and no one even thinks about a picture as having to the ability to hide files.