Set Custom Icons for Your Pen Drive and CDs


You might have noticed custom icon when you insert any installation disks of branded media disk. You can do the same thing. The icon will appear for your disk when you insert the disk in any computer. The trick is very simple and works for data disks, JAZ drives, ZIP drives, memory sticks or other removable media types.

Custom picture icons can be set to pen-drive and writable disks very similar to branded disks. For this you have to just include two extra files to the media. One file is the picture file and other file is a simple text file with mere two lines of code.

For Pen-drive or USB Storages

Step 1:
Only icon files (with .ico file extension) can be used for this. So select an icon file to set.

If you wish to set any other picture file first convert the file to icon type. You can take help of ConvertIcon for instantly converting picture files to icon file type.

Step 2:
Open Notepad application and type the two lines as below. Here, in our case filename.ico is the file name of the icon file with extension.


Step 3:
Save this file in your pen-drive with autorun.inf file name.

Also copy the icon file filename.ico in pen-drive. Now re-insert the pen-drive in your computer. You can see the icon appearing in “My Computer”.

For Writable Compact Disks

Step 1:
Same as step 1 of pen-drive described above.

Step 2:
Same as step 2 of pen-drive described above.

Step 3:
Save this text file in any temporary location (say your desktop) with autorun.inf file name.

Step 4:
While burning the disk include the autorun.inf file and filename.ico file in top directory and burn the disk. After burning re-insert the disk in your computer. You can see the icon appearing in “My Computer”.