View Images/Videos from Office Files Without Office Installed


If you don’t have Microsoft Office 2007 or 2010 installed and want to view any media content such as images or videos embedded with the Word(DOCX), Powerpoint(PPTX) or Excel(XLSX) document then don’t worry. Here’s a very simple methode.

For our example, we’re using a Word file (DOCX), as you can see here:

Step 1:
Change the extension of the file to .zip. If you can not see the extension go to Organize –> Folder and search options and uncheck the “Hide extensions for known file types” option.

Step 2:
A confirmation window will appear. Press Ok.

Step 3:
Now, open the zip file.

Step 4:
Inside the zip file there is a folder named “word”. For Powerpoint it will be “ppt”. Open this “word” folder.

Step 5:
If the document contain any media item you will able to see a “media” folder.

Step 6:
Open the “media” folder. All the embedded files you can get here.

NOTE : This method will work only for Office 2007 or 2010 files.