Get MP3 Audio Pronunciation File of Any Dictionary Word


This post is specially for schoolers that haven’t yet mastered in pronunciations of some long and difficult English words. Amit has discovered a URL pattern that Google use to store the audios of all English dictionary words. Those files are stored in popular mp3 format.

By using the pattern one can download the pronunciation of almost any word. Save it to your iPod or walkman and listen as many time you want. I promise you, it won’t take more than 2-3 days to learn that word.–_gb_1.mp3

Use the above address and replace the “myword” with something else. I know no one of my readers will try this, but consider it as an example:

Changing Accent

To change the accent of the word, replace gb with us in the above example. GB indicates British accent while US indicates American accent.

Starting from these simple words you may find almost any difficult one there, but not all. Google fails to generate clips for some difficult words. As I came to know about this resource, I started looking for some interesting words, but Google replied this,

Google 404 Error

If you have finished downloading all of your need, try for this word. Was Google able to make you happy?