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How to Download Angry Birds for RIM’s Playbook
Angry Birds game series is now also available for the BlackBerry PlayBook. This far-famed video game has long been available on Apple and Android-based devices only. All three series of Angry Birds for PlayBook are now available in BlackBerry App World.
The Most Watched YouTube Videos of 2011
YouTube has published a list of top 10 most watched videos of 2011. It excludes videos from major music labels. YouTube counter shows that there were more than one trillion videos playback in 2011 which was about 700 billion in 2010.
Set Angry Birds as Your PC’s Boot Screen
Nobody is unaware of this far-famed Angry Birds game. People very crazy about this game are already having their collection for Angry Birds wallpapers. Today in this post, I am telling how one can set this Angry Birds as the boot screen of the Windows PC.
What Google is Doing at This Time?
Google Insight tool shows live counter for what Google is counting at this time. It shows real time statistics for how and what people are searching for. It shows what are people watching? on YouTube and across regions, extending it to all blog posts reachable to Google.
Activate Facebook Timeline for Non-developer Profiles
Facebook has enabled its long awaited feature Timeline for all profiles. Previously Timeline was only enabled for a developer account. But now all Facebook users can activate this new Timeline feature. Learn here how to activate Timeline.
Difference Between Aakash and UbiSlate7 Tablets
After Aakash, the manufacturing company DataWind has announced a new tablet which is being called the commercial version of Aakash. This new version is made-in China and called UbiSlate 7. It has a new version OS, faster processor and more powerful battery.
Online Order Your Aakash Tablet Right Now
Online booking of the low cost Indian Android tablet “Aakash” has started. Anyone can order the tablet online. After your order it will be delivered to your address in a week’s time. No pre payment will be accepted but the only payment option is cash on delivery.
How a Share-baiting and Self-XSS Facebook Hack Works?
In recent weeks a lot of people are facing social-engineering attacks on their Facebook account, but how many of them actually know the mechanics behind them? In this post I have tried to explain some of those tricking Facebook scam, and their working mechanics.
Google is Rewarding for Finding Security Bugs
Google Security Team has announced a vulnerability reward program involving all Google web properties. The base reward for a qualifying bug is $500 and if the rewards panel finds a particular bug to be severe or unusually clever, rewards of up to $3,133.7 may be issued.
How to Disable the Insecure Content Warning in Google Chrome
The Google Chrome browser often shows “insecure content” warning while opening any https page. This may be due to two reasons. One is mixed scripting and other is mixed display. Whatever be the reason you can turn them off. Now Chrome will not show that annoying yellow bar to you.