Use Your Own Domain Name to Serve Feedburner Feed


FeedBurner is a super-cool tool for large and small publishers to distribute their feeds. The service is free and help webmasters to reach thousands of people via feed and daily newsletter publishing facility.

The basic feedburner setup is very easy and not require any expertise at all. But today I am going to tell you how you can setup the MyBrand service to serve your blog’s feed through your own web address.

The Cool Thing

After activating this service you will be able to serve your feeds from instead of default FeedBurner address like Follow this tutorial to make this new alias for you.

How-to Setup MyBrand?

Step 1:

Login to your FeedBurner account and go to ‘My Account’ (see in the top right corner) page. Click on the MyBrand link under services.
Or, use this URL to directly go to the page.

Step 2:

On the page you will find three steps briefly described. Now, in the first step you will see a line exactly same or very similar as below.

feeds CNAME

Step 3:

Open your Web hosting control panel in a new tab, and go to Simple DNS Zone Editor. Those running cPanel for hosting will find this option in the ‘Domains’ category.

Step 4:

Choose your domain name from the drop down list. Wait for a while and you will see the expanded page. Scroll down to find Add a CNAME Record option. Put your desired new feed address in the Name box, and the last part of CNAME address as obtained in step 2. Click on the ‘Add Record’ button.

Step 5:

Now come back to the MyBrand page of FeedBurner. Enter your feed-specific domain names in the red box provided. This should be exactly same as mentioned in the name field of step 4.

Step 6:

Scroll down the page and click on the ‘Activate’ button.

You have almost done it. Just one thing remains, and that too very difficult to do. Wait. I mean wait for few hours.


  • It can take up to 24 hours for a new CNAME entry to take effect. So if you have just done this, wait for few hours to see this working.

  • Your feed title will remain same and thus the extension. For e.g.. if your previous feed address was, your new address will be

  • Both of the address will still work because you have made just an alternate URL for accessing your feeds.

  • You do not need to redirect your existing subscribers because both URL will work and they will continue to get your feed content without having to resubscribe.