Submit Your Own Font to Google Web-Fonts Directory


Web Fonts are now adorning a number of websites without making them bother about their visitors have same font installed or not. This is a great feature and may be used as a platform to host your own fonts.

The search giant Google has started a similar project to provide open source fonts, free for anyone to use. The Google web fonts collection is a leading one and provides easy way of integration with websites. You might be knowing how to embed ready made fonts to your websites.


Uploading Your Own Fonts

Using ready made fonts from treasure is great but there is some more to do with the huge font collection. If you are a font designer then you cant stop yourself from showing your font to the world. And what could be better than Google? Google allows you to upload your own font in its directory and use it in your web pages using their APIs.

To submit your font to the directory, just complete this proposal form, and rest will be done by Google. But, before submitting the application, you must be already hosting your font somewhere that Google can access. Correctly mention the character sets that your font supports. Only submit fonts that you own all related copyrights, trademarks and other rights for.