How-to Change the Default Search Engine in IE 10


Internet Explorer is the third most used browser after Chrome and Mozilla. It shares approximately 18% of the total browser uses. IE 10 has no any option to quickly switch to any other search engine except the default browser set search provider Bing. So here we will see how the default search engine can be changed.

The list of search providers is blank in the Explorer, so for each engine you want to use, you have to add that first in the list. These can only be added from online add-on gallery.

IE Gallery

You can find all search providers on this URL. If not interested in all, I have figured out some popular items from there. List: Amazon, AOL, eHow, Google, Wikipedia, Yahoo, YouTube.

After opening a particular add-on page, click on the Add to Internet Explorer button.

Now you will be asked for a confirmation. In that dialog box select make this as my default search provider and click on Add button

add search provider

Now you can see the add-on in the list under SettingsManage add-onsSearch Provider. When you will click on any add-on, various options will be displayed on the bottom of the window for customizing.