While reading any web page if you want to save it for later reading on mobile, here is a quick solution. You can directly save that page to your Android phone in one shot. No need to download and transfer files between the devices. The feature works on principle of Google Cloud Print and doesn’t require any third party app.
Step 1: When the web page is open in Google Chrome browser, press Ctrl+P or go to print menu.
Step 2: A print window will appear. Click the Change button under destination.

Step 3: A destination popup box will open. It will show your registered android device under Google Cloud Print category. If your device is not being shown, make sure that you are logged in to the Chrome browser in your mobile with same e-mail id you are using in desktop browser.

Step 4: Choose your phone and you will be back to main print window. Now click on Print button. Immediately that entire page will be converted to PDF and sent to the phone selected. Job status can be checked at google.com/cloudprint
Step 5: You can browse that file in your phone’s USB/SD storage under Download -> ChromeSnapshots folder.
If it is difficult to find the file via file manager, take help of Chrome browser in your mobile. Open that in your phone, go to Other devices tab and look for the file in Received from other device section.

The name of the file will be same as the title of the web page you were reading.